Past and Present Artwork

17 x 14 inches mixed media: pen and ink, colored ink, marker and watercolor Drawing inspired by the song In-Between from In This Moment

36x24 Oil Painting Getting ready to go on his long journey to visit his elf gfhes getting ready to go on his long journey to visit his elf gf

oil painting, 24x36 A vampire, an angel, 2 demons and a human boy, trying to figure out what to do next in there chase after a evil demon by looking in a mythical book.

Oil painting of a tea set from a picnic in a graveyard. Neo Victorian Tea Party 12x12in

Digital The demon's true appearance. Inspiration- Moth Man and the Pepper moth. Full black skin and wings, height of 7 ft with dagger claws and intense glowing red eyes

oil painting 11x17 in

Done with fabric paint. Aang, Zuko, Toph and Katara - with Sokka's boomerang on tongue

Commission piece Done with fabric paint. Aang, Zuko, Toph and Katara (side view)

These are all the pet portraits I have done in 2019 Oil and acrylic paint ~Commissions available~ 🐾🐶🐈🐴 Pet Portrait commissions are available via my Etsy or email me: mercedesaumanart@gmail.com

Digital A world made up of many different metals. Metal was molded into domes to create homes and buildings. Magnets connect and work with the metals. Making floating homes and stairs. Greatly known for there weapon making and the people are know for there tattoo/markings.

18x24 in colored pencil, marker and watercolor

Commission pieces - acrylic paint 8x8 in each