~These insects are all hand painted with acrylic paint and made their real sizes.
Acrylic Butterflies
and insects.
These Acrylic Insects are available to buy at my Etsy:

Hand Painted Acrylic Ghostly Moth Dark Blue Shadow Box frame- has glass 10x10 in

Acrylic Painted Moths 10x10 cream frame (has glass) Male and female (male on top, female bottom) Spanish Moon Moths

3 acrylic painted insects: 2 butterflies and 1 moth with decorative paper White lined sphinx moth with male and female Eastern Flat butterflies. 8x11 inches, dark brown shadow box -has glass

Two acrylic painted butterflies male and female butterflies 9x9 gold frame -Plastic front Striped Blue Crows (top male, bottom female)

Two acrylic butterflies with opposite matching frames around each butterfly 8" x 8" Black frame -Plastic front (Top to bottom ) Agathina Emperor African Map Butterfly

3 acrylic painted Halloween themed butterflies Dark Catseye (top and bottom) and Duke of Burgundy Fritillary (middle) Dark Gray 9x11 frame- has glass

Acrylic Moths male(bottom) and female(top) Tau Emperor Moths 10x12 / Rustic shadow box frame- Has glass

acrylic butterflies and wire 3 different kinds of butterflies top and bottom: Common Clubtail middle: chinese windmill circle: orange tip butterflies 16x20 inches

~FOR SALE~ 3 acrylic painted butterflies 8x10 (top to bottom) Monarch butterfly Zebra Swallowtail Hewitson's Blue Hairstreak

~ FOR SALE~ Acrylic butterflies 12x14 in frame 4 different types with flower petals in the corner

8x14 frame Acrylic butterflies Contact for info on peice